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Operation Christmas Child is an annual appeal, from the Christian international relief organisation Samaritan's Purse, for shoeboxes filled with items that can be sent to children in needy areas all over the world.

Samaritan's Purse have been running this Christmas appeal for over 30 years and so far have distributed 220 million boxes to kids in more than 170 countries. Last year more than 11 million boxes were collected worldwide and distributed.

For more details of this life-giving operation, see the Operation Christmas Child website.

This project is a hands-on way for you to demonstrate
God’s love to children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys,
hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts.
Samaritan's Purse

If you would like to participate with our church, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a shoebox (approx. A4 in size) or get one from Heather.
  2. Decide if your box will be for a boy or girl child.
  3. Choose the age range  for your child: 2-4yrs, 5-9yrs or 10-14yrs.
  4. Fill the box with suitable items. See How to pack a shoebox. This includes a list of items not to include.
  5. Affix the correct label to the box.
  6. Bring the box to church on either Sunday 13th or Sunday 20th of October.

To help with the cost of shipping all over the world and help train local churches and provide resources for kids, a donation of $12.50 is requested. This donation will also allow you to track to which country your box has been sent and when it arrives.

Samaritan's Purse recommends the boxes be:

FUN – Add a ‘WOW’ item and other new toys the child will love.
FULL – Fill your shoebox so there’s no empty space. 
PERSONALISED– Personalise your shoebox by including a photo or note of encouragement so that each gift is unique and prayed over.

Volunteering to Process Boxes

You can also volunteer to help for a few hours in November at a processing centre - Heather, Louise and Jackie did it last year and found it to be a great experience.

On-line Boxes

You can even pack a box on-line if you can't get to the shops or are short of time.

Thank you for showing God's love to a child who might otherwise never receive a gift.