Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.

You can participate in the work of CV Church by giving regularly or one-time through
the numerous channels we have:

Online, through Tithely Giving

Direct Debit to our main bank account or to our Property Fund

Weekly cash donation at our services

Card faciliated donations at our services

Cheques at our services or mailed to our Church Secretary


Direct debit & cheques

Give via Text

Text 'Give' to +61483904565 


To set up a direct debit offering to our main account for regular tithes, offerings and donations, our bank details are: 

Account name: Camden Valley Church Incorporated.
BSB: 802-388
Account number: 100091022

To contribute specifically to our Property Fund, our bank details are:

Account name: Building Fund.
BSB: 802-388
Account number: 100095056

Cheques can be mailed to Church Councillor Dylan Maloney at 28 Blain Road, Spring Farm, NSW 2570. Please make cheques payable to Camden Valley Church Inc.

Discussion Starters

A document titled "The Gift of Giving" and another on the princpal of tithing are available for you to download by clicking the link below.
