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Welcome to CV Connect #21Helping you better connect with Camden Valley Church Our Annual General Meeting was held yesterday. Jeremy cast a vision, endorsed by Church Council and staff around 'Beyond Sunday'. The visions presented were:
Don't forget to take Jeremy up on his offer to meet and discuss the vision in the next few weeks. Our AGM webpage has annual reports from various groups within our church. Below are 2 of the reports from the Kids Pastor and the Toddlers Team leader. If you missed the service/AGM, you can view it on YouTube. This week we have an update on the Election Day BBQ and Operation Christmas Child. For those who are already planning around Christmas, we will be having our Carols Service on Sunday the 22nd and the Christmas Day Service on Wednesday the 25th at the earlier time of 9am. Staff contact details and Ways to Give to our church. Daily Bible Study - Foundations 260 |
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Community Engagement
Operation Christmas Child Many thanks to those who contributed to this appeal. Your gifts will be a huge blessing to those who receive them and provide an opportunity for precious children to hear the gospel.
If you do not have time to shop to fill a shoebox, it is possible to pay to have a box filled on your behalf. A group of CVC ladies will be volunteering to check shoeboxes at the Processing Centre at Norwest on Wednesday 6th November. If you are available to join us, (men also welcome!) please let Heather know and click register as a volunteer . Thank you for blessing one of God's children! |
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Kids and Toddler Time MinistriesAGM 2024 Reports Kids MinistryIt has been encouraging to see our CV Kids ministry continue to develop momentum in 2024. Our toddler/preschool program has been established as a regular program for our children aged before school. This program has approximately 20 core children attending through the year. We have a passionate and well connected community of school aged kids engaging regularly in our Sunday CV Kids Primary program. This program has about 15 core children attending, as well as visitors. It has been encouraging to see our children interacting with our wider CV Church community through our Big Day In events, and kids songs/ stories on the first Sunday of the month. A huge thank you to our team of volunteers who support our CV Kids Ministry programs. Thank you also to our youth who serve in our kids ministry. Kristy-Lee Toddler Time MinistryThis year a toddler/ preschool program was created for the youngest members of our church and their families. We have a safe and inviting space to meet, being the Oosh building. A team of dedicated and passionate leaders/ volunteers, including, Beth Hodson, Zac Gorton and Faith Chamberlain. Our own resource and toys dedicated purposefully to the program. The children have enjoyed the predictable and familiar rhythm the program provides as we have had many regular family attendance and also some new comers which has been wonderful. Because we have this regular rhythm and program we are excited to be able to clearly document and display what we do, making it inviting for new families joining the church so they can feel confident their children are receiving good care and teaching. Warm regards,
Photo by Dylan - used without permission! For more infomation visit:
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More Community Engagement NewsDemocracy Sausage BBQ Last week, Jeremy and Heather, along with Darren, Pastor of Camden Valley Adventist Church, went to meet with Mawarra P.S Principal, Renee Langdon. We presented her with a card advising that $1300 will be transferred to Mawarra as a result of the combined churches' fundraising sausage sizzle and cake stall on the day of the local elections in September. Renee expressed her appreciation for our efforts - so thanks again to all involved! Funds will be used to support families in need with expenses relating to attending school excursions. We also met Jordan Lesa, an ex chaplain to the school who now works at the school as a Learning Support Officer. Jordan has permission to pass onto our church anonymous prayer points so we can support teachers, students and their learning and families in prayer. |
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Prayer - Praise and Requests
Praise God for
Pray for
Mailing Address
Camden Valley Church Inc. Copyright 2024 Camden Valley Church Inc. For more infomation visit: |