CE at CVC involves serving together in spirit-lead acts of kindness – locally, nationally and internationally – to meet identified community needs, build up CVC and witness to Christ’s love.
The CE team comprises: Jeremy Hodson, Renae Howard, Heather Loomes, Michael Stapleton and Michelle Toms. The team will prayerfully discern future steps.
Our first community engagement event was a sausage sizzle and cake stall held at Mawarra P.S. in September. We had great contributions and teamwork from CVC and from Darren, Pastor of Camden Valley Adventist Church. $1300 was donated to Mawarra P.S. Many thanks to all who contributed.
Nearly 50 shoeboxes of gifts were donated by CVC members for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child in October. Volunteers will also assist with checking boxes at the processing centre. Again, huge thanks to all involved.
An appeal for donations for the work of the Evangelical Sisters of Mary will be made at the Carols Service in December.
This small group has been active since May 2020. The foundation members – Lyn Dench, Louise Ferris, Kellie (now worshipping at another church), Greig and Heather Loomes – continue to work together to serve our local community in God’s name, promote justice for people globally and promote sustainability.
This year, our actions included:
• preparing ‘Happy Boxes’ with toiletry items for indigenous women in remote communities
• regularly providing baskets of kitchen and laundry items to Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard for victims of domestic violence who are relocating
• cooking meals for Shining Stars Foundation, Narellan who distribute them to those in need locally
• praying for the International Negotiating Committee re the formation of an International Plastics Treaty and signing petitions encouraging our Federal Govt to work hard in relation to this treaty
• learning about ‘BYO Containers’ and visiting local food outlets encouraging them to accept customers own containers to carry home purchases, avoiding plastic waste
• supporting the church-wide involvement in Plastic Free July
• writing letters to producers asking them to reduce plastic packaging
• hosting a dinner party as a fund-raiser for ‘Feed the Hungry’
• volunteering to check shoeboxes of gifts for ‘Operation Christmas Child’
• running the Tearfund Australia Useful Gift shop at church in December.
We thank God for his guidance and blessings throughout 2024.