Community engagement at CVC involves:

  • identifying community needs and collaborating with individuals and other organisations to work towards meeting those needs;
  • building up our relationships and skills in service together;
  • participating in acts of kindness in our community – locally, nationally and internationally, in whatever ways God lays on our hearts individually or corporately; and
  • connecting with the people that he leads us to engage with and invite them into our church, in His name.

Prayer for community engagement

We count ourselves blessed to live in a great place and community and we thank you. Father, please bless our community leaders, for those candidates standing for election to Camden Council in September, Council employees, police, emergency services, hospitals, health care and support services, churches, schools, businesses and service clubs.

Please bless individuals and families who live here, Lord. May your name be honoured in our community and may each of us represent you well in our daily lives as we connect with our neighbours. May our lives show the kind of humble generosity that will truly be a blessing to our community.
Inspire CVC to serve our community well, please, Lord. Help us to know how best to meet the needs of people with whom we live.  I pray for wisdom and discernment for the Community Engagement team, Lord and willingness to contribute from the whole of our CVC community.
In Jesus name Amen