These are some of the ideas that have been suggested for Community Engagement - if you have any comments, suggestions or additional ideas please see Heather Loomes.
• Developing a ministry/response team for maintenance of homes for community members in need -maintaining safe and secure homes for elderly and or disabled.
• Take morning teas and events to Nursing Homes - addressing loneliness of elderly people.
• Assist with disaster preparedness and response, especially re floods. In a flood the people who live in Poplars caravan park are worst hit - how could we help eg. offering showers, blankets, food etc.
Could also prepare for CVC’s future flood response by receiving Psychological First Aid training. Consider any other response eg. places to accommodate vans when caravan park is affected by flood waters, food preparation.
• Use CVC’s coffee machine as a resource to serve our community – use in disasters or in nursing homes.
• Make sure that our church is on a public listing of local churches.
• Puzzle club or music café for people with dementia.
• Seek a grant to host a community event next year – perhaps a community meal?
• Grow additional food at home or at Camden Community Garden to supply to Turning Point/Big Yellow Umbrella.
• Breakfast Club at public school/s