The Tearfund Useful Gift Shop will be opening soon at church.

The Useful Gift Shop is an initiative of Tearfund that, for three decades, has allowed you to donate specific gifts at Christmas to very needy people around the world. Each gift is something that is highly valued and not a frivolous item that is soon thrown away and helps fight poverty and injustice in some of the world's harshest places. 

It is a quick way to show God's love to others, allowing you more time to focus on the real meaning of Christmas. 

For more details about gifts see the Useful Gift Shop website.

You can order these gifts:

  • Direct on the Useful Gift Shop website's checkout page, please use the CV church code 03862wYAM
  • At church where Lyn will help you select a gift from the extensive number of options and the wide price range (from $5 to $5,000).  She can also show you how to pay online.

To encourage you, check this Tearfund blog page that shows how important these gifts can be in changing the lives of families for the better.

If you have questions, perhaps this Tearfund FAQ page can help.