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Welcome to CV Connect #17Helping you better connect with Camden Valley Church This week we have a packed newsletter for you starting with an update from Church Council and if you've been wondering how we finished at the end of the Financial Year, see the report below. Also, check out the new Church Councillor. Our Community Engagement team now have all the approvals in place to run a Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall at Mawarra during the upcoming local government elections (Sept 14) and are now looking for volunteers on the day and for donations to the stall - more details below. SAVE THE DATE: Sunday night, 13th October will be another time of worship and praise so add it to your calendar. ANOTHER SAVE THE DATE: On Sunday 27th of Octaber we will hold our Annual General Meeting after the morning service. Please allow extra time in your day to be part of this meeting which will update you on our year till now as well as a vision for 2025 and some exciting plans. Sunday September 1 is Father's Day and we want to acknowledge and celebrate dads, and all those who have been male role models to the younger generations. There will be a cooked breakfast from 9:15am with plenty of bacon and egg roles, and various other options for the kids. We look forward to seeing you there. Even though the Alpha course has started running each Sunday evening. Its not too late for you attend, so register for attendance. Staff contact details and Ways to Give to our church. Daily Bible Study - Foundations 260 |
Our Newest Church Councillor
Last month we welcomed Matt Lane to Church Council and he has stepped up to the plate and taken on the role of Council Secretary - congratulations Matt. A vacancy on Council was created when Michael Widderich left council to take up the staff role of Admin and Finance Officer earlier this year. Our constitution allows us to fill this 'casual vacancy' on Council with a nominated member who will then stand for election at the next AGM. |
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Community Engagement
Election Day Stalls at Mawarra
If you are able to help, please see Heather Loomes. The church who usually meets at Mawarra P.S. school hall on Saturday – Camden Valley Adventist Church – will also be assisting on the day, so we will be meeting some new friends. Part of the funds raised will help Mawarra families who are doing it tough with cost of uniforms and school excursions for students and the balance will fund further community engagement. |
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Church Council ReportFrom our outgoing Council Secretary Our Church Council has been busy strategising about how best we can support the staff team to faithfully press in to the future that God has install for CV Church. We have been praying for our Church finances and are so thankful for the way God has been generous to us through your faithful giving. It has placed our Church in a healthy financial position to began to plan practically for our Church. We are still dreaming and praying for the specifics of what God would provide for us by way of a permanent home for our Church. But this is exciting to see and pray for. God has blessed us immensely with a lot of families with young children at our church. And people with young children from the community visit our church to seek to call it home. Our Children’s Ministry Director, Kristy-Lee, has been amazing in her accomplishments in this ministry. Kristy, along with the Church Council, are actively looking and planning to resource this area better to better serve our Children’s ministry. We hope to have some exciting announcements at the upcoming AGM. The other main priority our Church Council has set its efforts to, is to reorganising our staff and our council into strategic areas of responsibility. This will allow a specific leader to take charge of an area within the Church and see that we are doing everything we can to ensure our Church. These areas include pastoral care, missions, developing leaders, safety and legal compliance, and communications to name a few. Again, we will prayerfully have some exciting announcements for you at the upcoming AGM. As a Church Council, we are a governance body for the Church and under God. Though we may not be involved in the day to day operations of our church ministries, we are nonetheless working and praying behind the scenes to ensure our church can fulfill the great commandment and the great commission in our little patch of Gods world He has placed. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for Gods wisdom and guidance over us, and the unity of spirit to go where God leads. |
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Operation Christmas Child
This year's Operation Christmas Child is ramping up - the Shoebox collection will take place between Oct 14 and 26th. Hopefully you are deep in thought about what to fill your box with. If not, its not too late, first decide if it is for a boy or girl and then one of the age ranges: 2–4, 5–9, or 10–14. See suggestions for box content on how to fill the boxes. Samaritan's Purse recommends the boxes be: FUN – Add a ‘WOW’ item and other new toys the child will love Check this webpage for much more information on resources, videos, on-line boxes and stories from the field. |
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Alpha in CamdenA safe and honest space to explore life, faith and meaning CV Church, in partnership with Exploring Tree Macarthur, is hosting the Alpha course commencing on August 4th from 5pm -7pm for 9 Sunday nights (except for Father’s Day, September 1st). For more details on the course, click here.
For more infomation visit:
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Prayer - Praise and Requests
Praise God for
Pray for
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Finance ReportWe finished on a high! The 23/24 Financial Year finished on a very positive note thanks to your generosity. Our Trading Income was $191,653 and our Operating Expenditure was $161,864. Our Mission Giving (10% of income) is thus $19,165 and this was split into the following areas:
Mailing Address
Camden Valley Church Inc. Copyright 2024 Camden Valley Church Inc. For more infomation visit: |